Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Case of the Missing Sandwich

It's 6:00 a.m. I'm finishing up getting ready so I can head off to work. I finish making and packing my lunch in my work bag. It consists of a banana, yogurt, turkey sandwich, diet coke, and some crackers.

Oh shoot. I forgot to put earrings in. I run back to the bedroom, find the earrings I want, grab my bag and purse, and I'm out the door.

When I arrive at work, I stop off at the break room to put my lunch in the fridge. Diet coke, yogurt, and wait, no sandwich. I start riffling through my bag, digging around. It has to be in there somewhere. Where is it? What the heck? So I go sit down at my desk and start to think. It must have fallen out of my bag and into the car. Well, that thing will go in the garbage after work then. I'll have to be more careful not to let my bag lay on its side next time.

Around 10:00 that morning, I get a phone call from the husband. It goes like this:
Him: Are you missing something from your lunch?
Me: Yeah, actually I am. How did you know that?
Him: Because your half eaten sandwich is lying in the living room. All that is remaining is bread with mustard and bite marks, and a chewed up plastic baggie.
Me: Those little bastards. I KNEW I put my sandwich in my bag this morning. They must have taken it out of my bag and dragged it off before I could catch them. I turned my back on them for less than a minute!
Him: Yeah, well, there is a mustard stain on the carpet. Apparently they don't like it.
Me: Good to know. I'll keep that in mind the next time I'm making myself lunch for them to steal.

Then we both had a good laugh. Man, those cats get into everything. You've got to hand it to them, they are pretty darn smart. And fast.

We learned very quickly not to leave bread, cookies, bagels or buns on the counter. Nothing in plastic bags. The cats will drag it off someplace and chew through the plastic to get to the inside. Bad, bad kitties.


Keri said...

What's with your cats and bread products?! That's so funny (assuming the mustard stain comes out)!! You've got some very sneaky cats on your hands!

Christina said...

Apparently, you haven't been supplying them with any cat food so they have to resort to these desperate measures.. ;-)

Amber said...

Christina's comment is too funny! I used to have a cat that loved baked goods also. I found this out when I came home to a half chewed plastic bag and cupcake mess all over! Those darn cats!

Anonymous said...

How funny. Growing up we had a cat that loved popcorn.

Luvs~ Anni

apt said...

You're going to have to talk to them about carbs.
Glad the mystery is solved. Hope the mustard came out okay.