Thursday, May 1, 2008

Petunias Are Dead

The Petunia seeds I planted on March 25 are officially dead. They were off to a bad start anyway, with being 35-days into it, and only having one seed actually germinate. I must have done something incredibly wrong. It's such a bummer too, because I was really excited about the pretty color these were going to be. You just can't find petunias like that in the store around Michigan.

That being said, the Petunias were laid to rest last night after Sasha jumped from the bed in the spare bedroom onto the dresser. She did realize mid-air that the seed tray was in her way, she tried to adjust her landing and took the whole tray down (upside down, of course) with her.

I said some swear words. She got the boot from being in the bedroom. Nico was freaked out from the yelling and swearing, and hightailed it out of there. And I was left with a pile of wet dirt all over the floor.

I went and got the vacuum cleaner and sang the first verse of Amazing Grace while sucking up the murdered seeds and dirt.

To make lemonade out of lemons though, I did need the extra trays to separate my Impatiens out anyway. They seem to be the only seeds thriving at this point for me. I had really high expectations of all of these magnificent flowers being grown from seed. This may not be my calling, but at least I gave it an honest shot.


Keri said...

Aw, major bummer about your petunias! Way to look on the bright side of things though. You know, I never realized that cats were so destructive until we adopted a couple. Zoey recently managed to break off the plastic cover that goes over the CD drive on our computer.

apt said...

RIP Petunias. I'm very sorry for your loss. Maybe, when your heart is ready, you can check out a large fancy nursery and find some bigger, better flowers?
Maybe Sasha was doing a mercy kill?
I'm glad to hear about the Impatiens! Looking forward to a photo update (maybe?).

Anonymous said...

I really doubt you had a potty mouth. In all the years I've known you (since first grade now) I've never heard one swear word ushered from your mouth. No wonder Nico was so freaked out. But, like you said, you still have impatiens. If you need to talk, though, I'm here for you.

Christina said...

Aw man!! I was just looking at the seed packet yesterday and it said they take 7-21 days to germinate thus explaining why I have some very young seedlings and some well grown ones so far. I have no idea what you could have done wrong! Did you bury them? I think it said just to drop them on the dirt or cover them slightly with the dirt??

I am waiting for a similar accident when curious hands decide to entertain themselves with the plants instead of the THOUSANDS of toys they COULD be playing with. It is a risk I am taking..

I can't wait to see the pansies!! I'm glad those are doing well for you!!

Kerri said...

Mercy kill actually sounds about right. Those things were never going to pop up. Not at this point. I wonder what I did wrong? Christina, how do you do your's? The package instructions specially said not to cover the tray, so I didn't. I wonder if I should've covered them anyway until they sprouted?
It looks like I'll be making a trip to the nursery this spring for big, pretty flowers. Oh darn. I actually have a confession to make. I purchased more seeds and actual plants earlier this week. I told you guys I'm sick.

NotAppealing said...

LOL at your last comment. I don't even try to keep them alive anymore, I just look at them while they're pretty and toss when they're gone, only to start new with beatuiful, albeit condemned, flowers.