Friday, January 4, 2008

Next Stop On the Crazytown Express

Yet another meltdown for Britney.

Here's a quote I found on one of my discussion boards:

I feel sorry for her. I REFUSE to even read or hear what's going on. She has people following her every move and we're there to buy the magazines and get drawn into it. She has problems and yes it's unfortunate that there are children involved but how would you like it if you were going thru some major PPD or other major mental health fiasco and people were constantly making fun of you and putting you down. I don't think you'd succeed very quickly at recovering. She has had anything but a normal childhood (life) and I really think that is playing a part in her mental health. She has no idea of what 'normal' is. Do I think she should have custoday - no. Do I think she needs help - absoultely. But people need to back off. If it were your friend would you laugh at her or try to help? We need to remember that she's someones daughter and mother and not just some icon that is plastered all over the TV and radio. She is a person like the rest of us.

Let me just say that if that was my mom or my daughter out there showing the world her who-ha, I'd be having a conversation with her about what was NORMAL. Stat.

The world probably wouldn't be laughing so hard at the pop princess had she decided to take a month or two off and sit her (obviously waxed) butt at home to fly under the radar for a while. It doesn't sound to me like she's trying very hard to help herself. When has she ever missed a photo opp to show off her latest trainwreck? If I didn't know any better, I'd think she was proud of her sordid life with how much she's out advertising it.

Is anyone else as sick of hearing about Britney, Paris and Lindsey as I am? How about we hear about some women with class for a change of pace?

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